ARE YOU READY?? For Summer 2011

ARE YOU READY?? For Summer 2011

Friday, August 21, 2009

Fun At The Hogle Zoo!

Funnnn at the Zooo!
Kat, Jacob, Joshua, Gracie, Rylee and Brittany!

A friend to a Rhino is a friend to Park City DAY CAMP!

Making our way through the reptile room!

Friendly fun with the star of the show! Mr. bald eagle and his amazing trainer sparing time for Brittany, Joshua and Jacob! What great luck!
Jacob, Gracie, Alexa and Rylee enjoying the summer sun!
Miss Rylee showing off her good looks! What a cutie!
Look at how cute that baby girraff is!
Born just the day before we arrived, July 30th 2009!
Rylee and Kat posing with our Hogle Zoo friends! What great people!

Jacob, Caleb, Joshua, Kat, Nick, Brennen and Cole hanging out at the Zoo! Thank goodness we were able to get such a great ride for Nick! Thanks Hogle Zoo!

Who knew kids loved learning about new animals so much?

Jacob so interested in seeing an Elephant for the very first time!

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